OMG - October Finish

Hooray for a finish! This project completion is the 16th for me this year. My proposal was #70 on Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal October Linkup. And this is my 4th successful month (3rd with linking) of completing OMG's. Thanks so much to Patty for hosting this! 

This is a new travel pouch for the Glam Purse Hanger won in a raffle at a dog event:

No longer embarrassed when I get this out at a nice restaurant, I can feel proud of myself and enjoy how adorable it is.

On this blog there is a HOW TO Page to create your own, calculating the supplies based on the desired final size between the stitching seams. Let me know what you think of my instruction writing.

Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal - October Finish Link-up as #16


  1. Pretty and to be happy with that.

    1. So true, Karen! I love getting it out every time we go out for dinner.

  2. That is such a great idea! Thanks for linking up with Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal and congrats on your finish!

    1. Thanks, Patty! I love linking up with your OMG. This is a great way to motivate myself to complete one more item within a month. I've finished things I might not have by putting them up for OMG.


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