One Monthly Goal - June 2022 Proposed

The long days have been so beautiful and enjoyable here. We've been here almost 3-years and I am so in love with the place. Hubby and I are enjoying ourselves and our most recent improvements like the garage and a new motion sensitive light for the driveway at night. 

It's a new Month and time for a new One Monthly Goal, if you want to join-in head over:

Since the 2022 Honeybee Quilter's Block Exchange is in progress, June's goal is to finish the Quilt of the 2021 Exchange Blocks. I've created and submitted 30-blocks for 2022:

Going into the month, the GeoGrid flimsy was together, but folded and hanging in the closet since 2021:


GeoGrid (FAL#28, PHD & JAX MQG UFO #9, HB UFO #?):

After deciding who the quilt was for, the backing was selected. My notes said there was binding selected, but I'm not 100% sure. 



  1. I love your Geo Quilt. It looks like it could be jelly roll friendly.

    1. Thank you so much, DQ. Yes, I used some jelly roll strips to create some of the extra blocks made to make it bigger.

  2. I LOVE this pattern, and your fabric choice has made it so cheerful. Congratulations. Good luck with the quilting this month.

    1. Thank you so much, Marly. I'm so pleased with the flimsy. The guild block exchange coordinator picked colors for us to use to get a good variety. I did add 12 blocks of my own for size.

  3. Geo Grid is so colorful. Good luck with your OMG.

    1. Thank you so much! My friend likes a lot a lot of color. It will be perfect.


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