One Monthly Goal - June 2022 Completed

June 2022 has been very busy at work. That work is still going strong into July. Luckily, I've focused on one project in the sewing room which is the One Monthly Goal for June. If you want to see everyone's finishes check them out:

June's goal is to finish the Quilt of the 2021 Exchange Blocks from the Honeybee Quilters Guild. Going into the month, the GeoGrid flimsy was together, but folded and hanging in the closet since 2021:

GeoGrid (FAL#33, PHD & JAX MQG UFO #9, HB UFO #5). You can see my proposal post HERE, which was #28 on the link-up at the beginning of the month. 

After quilting the quilt name has changed to Magical Colourful World:

Since the top-left and bottom-right blocks are the same color as the binding, there are strips of other colors incorporated to make it stand out.

The quilt is finished including the hand-sewing of the corners and two sides of the label.

What did you work on in June?



  1. It looks amazing and the spiral was the perfect choice for quilting. Love the scrappy binding, too! Hooray for finishes *waves pompoms*

    1. Thank you so much! I'm so thrilled to have another completed UFO off the list. Thank you so much for the pompom waves.

  2. OMG I love it and I love that you made a pieced binding, so darn cute!!

    1. Vicki, thank you so very much! I'm so loving this quilt and I will send it out with love to my friend.

  3. That is an amazing quilt. Love the way you did the binding!

    1. Thank you so very much, Sandy! Apologies for the late approval. Your comment came in when I was down with COVID and I missed the notification. So kind of you to comment.


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