One Monthly Goal - September 2020 Proposed

September is a month of celebrations in our house, 2 dog birthdays and a wedding anniversary!!! It's time for a new One Monthly Goal, if you want to join-in head over:

My September goal is ambitious: finish the oldest UFO, Bandanna and Jeans quilt started on May 17, 2015. So far the Bandannas have been washed, dried, pressed and sewn together. 

Remaining steps:
  1. Cut 25 Flannel squares
  2. Glue Flannel squares onto Bandanna backs to keep in place for sewing
  3. Fold Bandannas around Flannel
  4. Cut Jeans squares to fit inside folded Bandanna backs
  5. Glue Jeans squares and folded Bandannas in place
  6. Stitch Flannel edges, Bandanna folds, and Jeans squares in place
  7. Take photos, IG post, and Blog post completed quilt
  8. Use quilt for next dog chiropractic appointment outside on the patio so everyone is not on a rough surface.
Having never done these things before, I am not sure how long each step will take to complete.



  1. Happy sewing. Thanks for linking up with Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal and good luck with your project!

    1. Thanks so much, Patty! Good luck for you too!


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