February 2025 Furtle - Fettle Those Finishes Update

February Review / Furtle

Archie The Wonder Dog

As defined by Mini Archie, ‘Furtling’ means ‘having a rummage, a delve, a look at the contents of something’. So I have furtled around to see what I have been doing this month and now I’m going to furtle around the blogs of anyone else who links up over at Archie the Wonder Dog!

-Janine at Rainbow Hare on 2/28/2019

To socialize with my online crafty friends I'm linking up with Mini-Archie, one of my favorite online personalities, and his person for the monthly progress link-up from Fettle Those Finishes! 

Continuing weekly stats here for possibly linking up once a month with Kate at Life In Pieces. My 2021-2024 goal was to stitch at least 15-minutes 50% of the days in the year. Now, the goal is any number of minutes in a day for 50% of the year since I've got an almost 8-month old puppy. I want as much time with him to enjoy our time together. 
  • Week 5: 5 of 7 = 71 %
    • 28 minutes/day average across 7-days
  • Week 6: 4 of 7 = 57 %
    • 23 minutes/day average across 7-days
  • Week 77 of 7 = 100 %
    • 59 minutes/day average across 7-days
  • Week 85 of 7 = 71 %
    • 33 minutes/day average across 7-days
  • Week 95 of 5 = 100 %
    • 41 minutes/day average across 2-days
  • February 22 of 28 = 79 %
  • 2025: 45 of 59 = 76%
February was totally busy at work and then flew by so fast. The Puppy is getting bigger and more mature, but he's still a puppy. Sewing continues to be on the back burner. Fitting in a few minutes of sewing does help me keep sane so I am trying to put a few minutes in here and there. Work sent me to Chicago for a couple days to visit a client and I took advantage of the airplane and hotel time to make some EPP progress.

Focus continues slowly on my projects planned in 2025 see my Furtle planning post HERE.  

Projects Half Done Progress update:

There were 52 projects already started before January 1, 2025 (up from 46 in 2024). The below screenshot of my projects from the spreadsheet provided (and a little expanded) by QuiltingGail is my 'official' list with reference numbers used throughout the year.

As of February 28th, 1 project has been completed (Blue Highlight), 1 UFO and 0 new projects. 0 projects completed this month (Green Highlight on completion Date), 0 UFO's and 0 new projects. 6 projects progressed this month (Pink Highlight), 3 UFO's and 3 new project. 

How did sewing go?

February Project Completed:

0) None. Leaving this header and space for next month's copy/paste as a template. 

February Projects Progressed:

1Moon Garden Smitten2 (2025 UFO 7) Block 5B aattached to the flimsy. Block 5C assembly started to complete the 4th and final Block of Month 5. Smitten2 Month 5 has progressed in 34-hours and 27-minutes so far out of 204-hours and 2-minutes on the entire quilt top of 16 Months. Puppy Wiki decided the paper was a treat to be unwrapped and stole one of the light green half hexies which is NOT missing from the picture. I still need to replace it.

2) Tula Pink's Alchemy Row 1 was my companion for the trip to Chicago and for a little doctor visit while hubby was visiting a dermatologist. Alchemy, a 2022 BOM, (2025 UFO 6) has Row 1 progressed in 61-hours and 5-minutes out of 109-hours and 39-minutes so far. Unit 1A is completed. 5 of Unit 1C are in progress.

3) Renaissance Ribbons' ByAnnie's Zip It Up in Moon Garden is 2025 UFO 51:

4) Sue Spargo Needle Roll is 2025 Project 1. Instead of using all the wool pieces, I'll be using the scraps from the Moon Garden Zip It Up. 2025 Project 1 is in progress.

5 & 6) Embroidery 101 has started with an Alphabet Sampler Page and January Stitches. I've been watching videos and waiting for supplies before starting stitching. I'm so pleased to have started this.

February Stats:

  • 1 Completed
  • 6 Progressed
  • 51 UFO's remaining
  • 3 2025 started projects remaining
What did you get done in February?

Mini Archie's February 2025 Furtle Around The Blogosphere as #3


  1. You’ve made brilliant progress with your EPP this month, I hope Wiki stops stealing the pieces soon, though! Thanks for Furtling!

    1. Thank you! Wiki will keep getting better and better! Thanks for the Furtle prod and link-up!!!

  2. Congratulations on your progress! Thanks for linking up with PHD in 2025, and have a marvelous March.

    1. Thank you so very much! Love seeing your short list make progress!!!!


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