One Monthly Goal - September 2024 Completed

Finished August and September's goal the day before the mid-day drop off deadline. If you want to see everyone's one monthly goal projects head over to the link-up:  

While July's goal was to complete the flimsy, both the August (incomplete) and September OMG's were to complete the 2024 QuiltFest Challenge quilt embodying the theme "Sew Your Heart Out" (UFO 3). The quilt was completed in 115-hours and 11-minutes with the 3 required fabrics, measuring tapes, lime green grunge and orange bubbles with notions. Three hearts and embellishments were also required. The perimeter must total less than 120 inches. I entered the annual Challenge this year because one of my guilds was the hostess for the show. Our guild designed and made the Ribbon Toppers.

This original design has been kept secret with only glimpses until after both the quilt turn in on Saturday, September 7th and judged through Friday, September 13th at the 2024 QuiltFest Jacksonville show run by 7 local quilt guilds as it's own stand alone charity.

My 'Quilter of Hearts' quilt won an Honerable Mention and seemed to be in the top 6 quilts held for the judge's review based on an Instagram video of the judging of this category. I'm so thrilled as this is my first ribbon and it's only my 3rd year entering. I won't be able to do another Challenge next year (see news later in this post).


Honorable Mention Ribbon:

Back with hanging sleeve and label:

Judging sheet:

My One Monthly Goal September proposal is HERE which was number 10 on the link-up.

What progress did you make in September?

Note, I'll be taking a break from expecting to actually finish my crafting One Monthly Goals for the foreseeable future. We've got a new addition to the family, 10-week old Whippet puppy, "Wiki". Big brother 5-year old Osky along with the rest of us are getting accustomed to the lifestyle change.



  1. I saw the little thumbnail in the link up and was like, oooh, do we get to see the reveal? I have to admit I wouldn't have guessed what the finished project was, but it is really awesome! Congratulations on the ribbon! And congrats on the puppy too. :)

    1. Thank you so very much, Anne-Marie! I'm so happy with how it turned out. Looking at all the Challenge quilts was fascinating. The card was the 'most' white quilt. I had beads from my grandmother that she gave to me 40-years ago that made it onto this quilt. Thanks for the support! Hope the rest of your September goes well!!!


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