One Monthly Goal - September 2024 Proposed

Since it wasn't finished in August, it's time to retry last month's One Monthly Goal for this month, if you want to check out what everyone is doing head over:

My focus is still on the one quilt to finish before the turn in for our local show, QuiltFest Jacksonville on September 7th. 

This month, I must complete the binding, hanging sleeve, label and embelishments for the 2024 QuiltFest Challenge quilt embodying the theme "Sew Your Heart Out" (UFO 3). 

The original design is being kept confidential until the show so here's the photos of the center and one corner with the required fabrics: measuring tapes, lime green grunge and orange bubbles with notions.

What are you working on in September 2024?


  1. Good luck with your goal. I like that skinny border accent stripe.

    1. Thank you so very much! It was new putting in such a skinny border.


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