August 2024 Furtle - Fettle Those Finishes Update

August Review / Furtle

Archie The Wonder Dog

As defined by Mini Archie, ‘Furtling’ means ‘having a rummage, a delve, a look at the contents of something’. So I have furtled around to see what I have been doing this month and now I’m going to furtle around the blogs of anyone else who links up over at Archie the Wonder Dog!

-Janine at Rainbow Hare on 2/28/2019

To socialize with my online crafty friends I'm linking up with Mini-Archie, one of my favorite online personalities, and his person for the monthly progress link-up from Fettle Those Finishes! 

Continuing weekly stats here for possibly linking up once a month with Kate at Life In Pieces. My 2024 goal is to stitch at least 15-minutes 50% of the days in the year, same as 2021, 2022 and 2023.
  • Week 31: 7 of 7 = 100 %
    • 136 minutes/day average across 7-days
  • Week 32: 7 of 7 = 100 %
    • 91 minutes/day average across 7-days
  • Week 337 of 7 = 100 %
    • 88 minutes/day average across 7-days
  • Week 347 of 7 = 100 %
    • 115 minutes/day average across 7-days
  • Week 356 of 6 = 100 %
    • 81 minutes/day average across 2-days
  • August 31 of 31 = 100 %
  • 2024: 238 of 244 = 98%
August was all about making progress on the September 7th quilt due for the 2024 QuiltFest Challenge. And we celebrated the husband's birthday. All in all a good month!

Focus continues on my projects planned this year out in my Furtle post HERE.  

Projects Half Done Progress update:

There were 46 projects already started before January 1, 2024. The below screenshot of my projects from the spreadsheet provided (and a little expanded) by QuiltingGail is my 'official' list with reference numbers used throughout the year.

As of August 31st, 12 projects have been completed (Blue Highlight), 1 UFO and 11 new projects. 0 projects completed this month (ignore Green Highlight on completion Date), No UFO's and no new project. 5 projects progressed this month (Pink Highlight), 3 UFO's and 2 new projects. 

How did sewing go?

August Projects Completed:

1) None, holding the space blank 

August Projects Progressed:

1) Alchemy BOM (2024 UFO 6) has more pieces attached to Row 1 pieces.

2) Smitten2 BOM through Month 9 (2024 UFO 7) Block 5A has been completed and attached and the first of the Month 4 Side-setting Triangles has been attached. Block 5D is now in progress.

3) 2024 QuiltFest Challenge quilt inspired by the show theme “Sew Your Heart Out” is 2024 UFO 3 in progress for 76-hours and 29-minutes with 3 required fabrics, measuring tapes, lime green grunge and orange bubbles with notions. The quilting is now almost completed. the design is original, so I will reveal it in September once the quilt has been judged and is hanging in the show.

August Stats:

  • 0 Completed
  • 5 Progressed
  • 45 UFO's remaining
  • 13 2024 started projects remaining
What did you get done in August?

Mini Archie's August Furtle Around The Blogosphere as #2


  1. Loads of progress this month, especially on the challenge quilt! Thanks for Furtling!

    1. Thank you so much! Love Furtling with our friends!!!!

  2. Thanks for sharing your progress for August PHD! You work is looking fabulous. 😊

    1. Thank you so very much! Looking forward to another month of fun sewing!!!


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