One Monthly Goal - June 2024 Proposed

It's time for a new One Monthly Goal, if you want to check it out head over:

My focus is now on the two quilts to finish before the turn in for our local show, QuiltFest Jacksonville. 

This month, I'll start by continuing the quilt on my design wall, Patterns By Jen (PBJ) 2021 Color Challenge Twin-sized quilt (UFO 1). In April, progress towards the flimsy included adding the mock-up stars in the rows with the 12" blocks. For June, the plan is to finish assembly of the flimsy center adding all the stars and sashing. A bonus would be to determine the borders to add to get the desired size.

Current design wall incomplete rows:

The only thing in my way is to mend some dog walking socks after cleaning my sewing machine. 

What are you working on in June 2024?


  1. Great goal. I'm a bit envious that not much is standing in your way of working on it. I seem to have too much going on lately.

    1. I know what you mean. Last month was a struggle to finish some guild challenges. I'm feeling frantic that I have 2 quilts to complete before September 7th's show drop off.

  2. Good luck with your goal. I'm envious of your short to-do list.

    1. Thank you so very much! LOL, re: short to do list.... I don't have on the list the over 100 kits, projects in bags with patterns and fabric. When I started quilting I thought I would be able to finish projects much faster than I actually can. This is only the active projects list. Happy stitching!!!


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