One Monthly Goal - March 2023 Completed

For March 2023 the One Monthly Goal was to complete the second month EPP BOM. If you want to see everyone's OMG finishes check them out:

For March which is also my Birthday Month, my One Monthly Goal was to complete the 4 half-hexagons English Paper Piecing in the Pink Door Fabrics Block of the Month Smitten 2023 in the Tula Pink Moon Garden fabric line for the second month. The month started without any progress on this BOM.  

By the end of February, I had completed the 3 Month 1 hexagon blocks

You can see my proposal post HERE, which was #31 on the link-up at the beginning of the month. 

This is my first time keeping up with an EPP BOM. I got carried away with the momentum and when the first block was done wanted to see it attached to the first month's block so 2A was attached to the left-side of 1A. The series of blocks attach as: 2A-1A-2B-1B-2C-1C-2D.

Here's the photo with all but the last connection between 2B and 1B. 2B was the final block to be completed and I haven't gotten the two halves of the top row of the quilt connected yet.

So, there's no picture of just the four month 2 half hexagons since I was too excited to sew them together and that's just fine by me. I love to be able to go where the inspiration takes me. I'm loving this BOM and enjoy the challenge of the shapes and organizing the fabrics for each set of blocks.

What worked for me was to take the cutting assistant provided by Pink Door Fabrics then make my own fabric cutting guide and separate trackers for each milestone for each block. I love to organize and breaking down steps into the smallest possible so I can mark my progress is empowering! I have several EPP projects that I didn't get started on yet. Maybe once I finish this one, I can get started on one of those.

What did you accomplish in March?



  1. Well done keeping up with the pace. I really like your colour choice, especially the dusky pink.

  2. They’re beautiful! I also like to split tasks up into smaller components, I makes such a difference when you can see things being ticked off/a cell changed colour, doesn’t it?

    1. Thank you so much! Yes, it makes project progress so much faster and easier. It puts me in the mood to finish things since I can tackle a small task instead of trying to finish a large milestone.


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