One Monthly Goal - February 2023 Proposed

 It's February altreaty!!! It's time for a new One Monthly Goal, if you want to join-in head over:

February's goal is to complete the EPP MugRug for my friend Donnamarie. Donnamarie glue basted the tiny 1/2" hexagons and asked me if I'd create a MugRug for her. Finally got the Hexies together and then had her pick a background by photos as we live about 1,000 miles apart. So, currently, I have a little flimsy and need to get it completed for a gift package to send later this month.

What are you planning for February?



  1. Very cute! Good luck with your February OMG.

  2. Wow, this is great! Looking forward to seeing the finish.

  3. Replies
    1. Thank you! This is 2023 UFO #42. *fingers crossed that it gets done by the 7th when I need it for one Quilt Guild project challenge to show!*


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