One Monthly Goal - July 2024 Completed

Finished July's goal with only 2-hours to spare. If you want to see everyone's projects head over to the link-up:  

My focus is now on the one quilt to finish before the turn in for our local show, QuiltFest Jacksonville. 

July's goal was to complete the flimsy for the 2024 QuiltFest Challenge quilt embodying the theme "Sew Your Heart Out" (UFO 3). 

Since I want to keep the final design secret below are two photos showing the quilt center and the edge of the flimsy with the thin black inner border and the wide white outer border. This flimsy has been in progress for 53-hours and 42-minutes with the 3 required fabrics, measuring tapes, lime green grunge and orange bubbles with notions..

My One Monthly Goal July proposal is HERE which was number 15 on the link-up.

What progress did you make in July?


  1. Looks interesting. Will look forward to full reveal.

    1. Thank you! Reveal in September once the Quilt Show has started.


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