April 2020 One Monthly Goal Finished

So glad to have completed my One Monthly Goal for April 2020.

This month's highest priority was to catch up on both Block of the Month programs I'm participating in. 4 blocks needed to be completed to catch up. The Proposal blog post is HERE and it was #22 on the Proposal Link.

Patterns By Jen's Color Challenge 2020:
The left-hand block was completed for March before the end of the month, but during April the right-hand Oyster background was completed.

Jen had also published the April instructions and both blocks were completed. 

Jacksonville Modern Quilt Guild is having a Block Of the Month for 2020. We're doing ~16 blocks by October so we can finish the quilts by the end of the year. Block 4 instructions were provided earlier in the month. That block got done too:

Here's all 4 blocks, unfortunately, the colors looked washed out her. They are very citrus strong.

I'm so thrilled to have gotten caught up on these blocks. Thanks so much Patty!

  • Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal April Finish As #49


  1. Congrats on meeting you OMG! Very fun and bright colors in all your blocks.

    1. Thanks, Kate. I'm so pleased with how they are progressing. I think I need more Yellow blocks in the citrus series.

  2. Isn't it nice to finish one's goal. Four nice blocks! And thank you for commenting on my latest blog post. I would have emailed you, but couldn't find an email to reach you. Blessings!

    1. Thanks, Angie! I'm feeling much better having gotten back on track with my sewing. Not sure where I should have put an email. Enjoyed your post!

  3. Your color challenge blocks with opposite backgrounds look great! Looks like you're working on some other fun projects as well.

    1. Thanks so much! Having a great time with the Color Challenge.

  4. Nice blocks. Thanks for linking up with Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal and congrats on your finish.

    1. Thanks so much, Patty! Greatly appreciate OMG!


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